Monday, June 2, 2008

Chasing Rainbows

In my younger years of life. My brothers and I would do these random things to get in trouble. Anywhere from fighting, throwing rocks at each other, to going for bike rides to places that were off limits to us boys. Well this one spring day it had rained for a little while in the morning and at the same time it was nice and sunny. So of course if you looked good enough in the sky you could make out a rainbow in the short distance. Why we did this to this day no one really knows. What mythical myth do rainbows come with. That's right a leprechaun with a pot of GOLD. The rumor or should I say tale is that if you were to catch the leprechaun he would take you to his pot of gold. Where you would live the life of riches forever. Well, we say this rainbow and like I had said it looked relatively close by. So we hopped on our huffy bikes and set off on a mission. To reach the end of the rainbow would mean our mother would rich, which meant she would be able to afford to buy us whatever toy we asked for.

So as we pedeled off on our bikes to the foot of this rainbow. We were all excited about what we may find. Collaborating a way to catch the leprechaun, so we can get his pot of gold. So we pedeled and we pedeled not really caring about the dangers we may run into or worse the blistering beating we will receive from those damn plastic spoons (you know the ones that replaced the wooden ones). So as we argued over who was going to get to actually catch the leprechaun, it had dawn on us that no matter how fast we are going the rainbow seems to be getting further and further away. Which also mean that the time in the day was ending faster than we had expected. Not being aware of how long we had been gone, I guess my mom staarted to get worried about us. I guess we should of otld her we were leaving. So just as we think we are at the base of the rainbow guess who show's up. Grandpa. I rememer him yelling at us when he saw us. He was like what in the hell you damn kids doing. He laughed at us and then told us we better beat him home. So, off we went. Of course we all had to argue which was the fastest way home. Whcih took more time.

So we get to our house to see that or mom's car wasn't there. So we immediately raced down the street to our grandma and grandpa's house, Just to see that our grandpa had beaten us home. The worst part was our mom was out front waiting for us with a wooden spoon in her hand. In fact as we got to the crest of the hill we could here our mom yelling for us down the street. Boy were we screwed. So as we pulled into the driveway, we all new the routine for we have been down this road several times before. So as we dismounted the bikes she was right on top of us like a vulture. Get you little ass's in the house now. So the first beating was dished out on Rob. As he was getting his well deserved beating me and Randall were talking to our grandma trying not to laugh at him. The whole time Rob was looking at us just smiling trying not to submit to the blistering pain the spoon was inflicting on his little butt. Then it was my turn. Oh please no mommy not me it was Rob's fault. Yeah I was squeeling like a pig before she could get her eagle like claws on my arms. Big mistake Christopher, she just whipped harder. With one hand covering my little butt, with my mom's death grip on the other arm. I was trying my hardest to run away from her. The whole time she was swinging that damn spoon at my ass like a samurai swinging his sword at his enemy. Connecting with some thunderous blows that could make a parapelegic get out of his wheel chair and run away. No mommy I am sorry, stop, stop it hurts.

While I am getting my well deserved whipping, my brothers are laughing rather loudly at my expense. Then it was Randall's turn. I won't go into detail, but it was obvious that my mother had already spent all of her anger and frustration out on me and Rob's little behinds. For his beating consisted of a few a decent swats and that was that. Lucky little turd. Really I am not sure which was worse the beating or the dragging or butt's on the floor trying to get rid of the pain. I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it.


Sara said...

Your poor mom. You guys were little shits! Let's just hope for Jenn your two don't have that much fun!

Pam said...

Your mother is SO waiting for payback as she watches your kids...:-)

Love you!
Mom #2