Thursday, August 28, 2008

Bath Time

Now one dad's favorite parts of the day is bath time. You see I have this theory that the more kids are in water and are enjoying themselves the less they will be scared of drowning. Now as most of my friends now be fore I joined the Army I was a lifeguard. During my time as a lifeguard I got to soak up the rewards of teaching hundreds of small children how to swim, by far one of the best experiences of my life. For I got a lot out of it. Being the one to teach a kid to swim freestyle or the side stroke, or even teaching a young child how to float on his back. I always thought it was pretty cool. So it started when Aiden was really little. I would go in there and watch him take his baths and splash water on him. At first he was kind of like uh what are you doing? But as he got older he really started to like it. By the time he was walking if you asked him if he wanted to take a bath, he would take off running for the tub and scream until you came in there and turned the water on for him. I was pretty excited to see him excited to take a bath. Well then one day I was drinking water and I decided to spit water on him. Well he laughed so hard that he could barely sit up. You know when they do there belly laugh. It was absolutely hilarious. Well that was the starting point. I would do this to him several times when he was taking his baths and it always got him to laugh. In fact when I was home on leave I did it to him again and he just rolled all over in the tub laughing. It was like it was the funniest thing in the world. Well Jennifer decided the other day that she wanted to save a little time and give both of the kids a bath together. No big deal, Jack is getting to the point to where he can sit up right for a few minutes on his own before falling over. Plus we have this baby chair that attaches to the side of the tub for babies who are to big to be in the baby bath tubs. So aiden and Jack were in the tub, Jennifer was sitting there holding on to Jack. Well Aiden gets this idea to put water in his mouth and to spit it out. Except instead of him spitting it at Jack he spits it all over the floor. Now at first Jennifer wasn't aware of what he was going to do. She just thought he was going to take a drink of water. Well as he spit the water all over the floor little Jack just laughed hysterically. Part of me is glad he didn't spit it all over Jack, for we all now Jennifer would of gotten the bulk of the water. But I sure am glad that Aiden is doing his best to be the man of the house. He really tries to fulfill his daddy's shoe's and this is just a small example of him working hard. I love you AIDEN!


So every parent has high hopes that their kids will grow up to be a doctor, a lawyer, or even the next President. As a father of two very beautiful boys I to have high hopes for my children. I would love for my kids to pursue a lifetime award fulfilling career that will help them to climb the highest steps of the ladder to success. Sure I would love for one of my boys to be an astronaut and one to be a the lead executive in a fortune 500 company. I think it would be great. Now as we all now my children are still very young. Aiden my oldest is just 2 yrs old and Jack is almost 5 months old. So maybe it is a little early to get them started in the right path of life to reach the goals I would like them to achieve. But then again those are my goals, and it's not about me. It's about me encouraging my children to always to their best in life and to continue to reach there goals regardless of how outrageous or far fetched they may be. As a father it is my job to teach them what they need to know, show them what they need to know, and to give them all of the tools they may need to reach their goals.

So it might be a little to early in there lifes to start planning for what I would like them to do in life. I mean Jack still can't walk so how can he possible be an astronaut at such an early time in his life. Then there is Aiden, who is quite the character. This kid is not even three yrs old and he is already proving that not even the sky is his limit. He has also recently shown to his mother that he has already sparked an interest in what kind of career path he would like to start. I mean this kid is 2 yrs old and he is already training himself in some of the stuff he may endure later on in life in his career. Now, I know your probably thinking: What is Chris talking about? Firefighting. Well, about three weeks ago or so Jennifer was putting Jack to sleep and Aiden was left in the living room unattended to watch his favorite movie CARS. Well I guess Aiden felt that his movie wasn't really entertaining him as much as it should. So like any young boy with an extremely creative imagination decided that he will take it into his own hands to fill the huge gap of entertainment that he oh so deserved. I mean it is hard being a cute little 2 yr old boy. Specially when he has to compete with a 4 month old baby. Now I don't want you to get the impression that my wife neglects my kids, for it is so not true. In fact a really look up to my wife. Raising two very little children while your husband is deployed to Iraq. So I give her all of the props in the world. Now back to the story. Now both of my children are very cute and adorable. So as Aiden was sitting their pondering on what could he possibly do to fulfill his boredom. So as he sat there, this great idea came to his head. Where he got this idea, I have no clue.

For those of you who have been to my house you all now that we have this fairly nice floor lamp right behind our humongous couch. Figured it out yet? So, Aiden decides that he is going to climb onto the top of the back of the couch and hold on to the floor lamp and slide down the lamp post kind of like how the firefighter do it. As he descended the two foot slide tot he ground guess who walks around the corner. Mom! that's right Mom! Of course the first thing mom asks is, What are you doing?

Now I really doubt Aiden has a full grasp on what could of happened to him, or he wouldn't of done it. Yeah, right, Chris. That never stopped me from doing the things I did in life ( i.e. BB gun wars) Of course Aiden just gave his mother that cute adorable smile he gives to get him out of trouble. Now we don't know exactly for sure what he was doing. For all we know he was just playing with the post. Yeah, right. You see Jennifer didn't really catch him in the act of sliding down the pole, but we can only assume what his little mind was upto. I will admit to this day I still think it's funny. On the other hand maybe he wasn't trying to slide down the pole like a firefighter, maybe he was seeing what it was like to be a stunt man (oh, for Jennifer's sanity I hope that was not his intent), or maybe he was trying to climb up the pole like a mountain climber. There are a lot of possibilities on what he really was doing and we may never know the whole truth. I hope you guys like my version of the story a little better than Jenn's.

Monday, August 11, 2008


Why! Now it's a great word, but can also be one of the most annoying thing you can hear from someone. Specially when your giving a block of instruction or talking to big crowd. Now this post is not about either of those. It is more about WHY, I haven't posted in such a long time. So here it is. As you may know I am currently serving in Iraq. Now AAFES in all of it's great wisdom has come up with this wonderful plan to install wireless internet throughout the base so you can check your email and chat with loved ones in the comfort of your room. Well when we first got here the wireless service worked maybe 40% of the time. So the guys I work with and I decided to go out and buy a satellite internet system. Trust me it was well worth it. Now I have internet service pretty much whenever I need it. The only problem is we bought the system through a company in Poland. We get our satellite signal from somewhere in Greece. Pretty easy, right. Not really. Now 99% of the web pages I go to everything is broad casted in english. Well for some reason google recognizes my info as coming from Greece, so it has decided on its own accord to view my blog in Greek. Which is kind of neat, but by all means I am not bilingual at all. So for in order for me to sign in and add posts to my account is equivalent to an archaeologist trying to read some hieroglyphics. So after wasting about an hour of time I will finally get my blog to be shown in english. Now I know a lot of you are thinking of saying just save it in your favorites or just bookmark it when you get to it in english. Well I have done that, and it doesn't work. Oh, well.

So since I am on the WHY thing. Why is it when I am in the desert, where it hits a scorching 140 degree's in the hottest part of the day in summertime can snow for 3 hours in the winter. Now I wish I had snow right now since it's about 130 degrees today. But, no kidding I think it was Jan 16th of this year I woke up around 0600 hrs to go outside and see this white substance coming down from the sky. At first I was like What is that. Then it dawned on me that it is snow. So I guess I can say that I have officially thrown a snowball in the middle of Baghdad, Iraq. Pretty cool. Well I hope you guys enjoyed. Until next time.