Monday, August 11, 2008


Why! Now it's a great word, but can also be one of the most annoying thing you can hear from someone. Specially when your giving a block of instruction or talking to big crowd. Now this post is not about either of those. It is more about WHY, I haven't posted in such a long time. So here it is. As you may know I am currently serving in Iraq. Now AAFES in all of it's great wisdom has come up with this wonderful plan to install wireless internet throughout the base so you can check your email and chat with loved ones in the comfort of your room. Well when we first got here the wireless service worked maybe 40% of the time. So the guys I work with and I decided to go out and buy a satellite internet system. Trust me it was well worth it. Now I have internet service pretty much whenever I need it. The only problem is we bought the system through a company in Poland. We get our satellite signal from somewhere in Greece. Pretty easy, right. Not really. Now 99% of the web pages I go to everything is broad casted in english. Well for some reason google recognizes my info as coming from Greece, so it has decided on its own accord to view my blog in Greek. Which is kind of neat, but by all means I am not bilingual at all. So for in order for me to sign in and add posts to my account is equivalent to an archaeologist trying to read some hieroglyphics. So after wasting about an hour of time I will finally get my blog to be shown in english. Now I know a lot of you are thinking of saying just save it in your favorites or just bookmark it when you get to it in english. Well I have done that, and it doesn't work. Oh, well.

So since I am on the WHY thing. Why is it when I am in the desert, where it hits a scorching 140 degree's in the hottest part of the day in summertime can snow for 3 hours in the winter. Now I wish I had snow right now since it's about 130 degrees today. But, no kidding I think it was Jan 16th of this year I woke up around 0600 hrs to go outside and see this white substance coming down from the sky. At first I was like What is that. Then it dawned on me that it is snow. So I guess I can say that I have officially thrown a snowball in the middle of Baghdad, Iraq. Pretty cool. Well I hope you guys enjoyed. Until next time.

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